The China Development Bank has set up a special fund to support academic exchanges between China and Africa. 中国国家开发银行还设立专项基金支持中非学术界交流。
The latest move by the People's Bank of China is a huge blow to the country's bitcoin exchanges, which have found their footing in the more than three months since Chinese authorities appeared to take measures clamping down on the industry. 中国央行采取的上述最新行动将令国内比特币交易所遭受沉重打击,这些交易所在中国监管部门三个多月前首次采取限制比特币行业的举措以来逐步站稳了脚跟。
Perhaps in anticipation, China Development Bank, a state-run institution, has recently set aside more than$ 1 billion to help smaller firms leave American exchanges. 也许这已在预料之中,中国国营机构中国发展银行(chinadevelopmentbank)最近已划拨逾10亿美元来帮助小型企业退出美国证券交易所。
Over the years, the bank has helped scores of mainland companies list on overseas stock exchanges and pursue cross-border mergers and acquisitions. 多年来,该行已经帮助几十家中国内地企业进行了海外上市或跨国并购。
Armed with this knowledge, the bank is better able to predict the direction of prices on exchanges and make risk-free profits. 有了这个信息,银行就更有能力预测交易所内的股价走势,并获得无风险的利润。
Spain might also be saved if the European central bank bought up all its bonds, drove down the euro in the foreign exchanges and stimulated inflation east of the Rhine, thereby restoring competitiveness to the rest of the eurozone. 如果欧洲央行(ecb)购买西班牙的所有债券,在外汇市场上压低欧元,刺激莱茵河以东的通胀,从而重铸西班牙相对于欧元区其他国家的竞争力,西班牙或许也可得救。
Companies can easily get bank loans. The corporate bond market is well developed. The integration of stock exchanges gives companies access to a deep pool of investors. 市场机制发育完全,企业容易获得贷款。配合证券交易,企业还能挖掘到潜在的投资者。
Currently working for Bank of East Asia as a part-time consultant, T.C.Chan is also an elected Independent Non-executive Director of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited. 现职东亚银行顾问,也是香港交易及结算所有限公司选任的独立非执行董事。
The exchanges have been working with experts from the Asian Development Bank on technical issues such as the incompatibility of some existing trading systems, setting up central clearing and settlement arrangements and handling transactions in several currencies. 这几家交易所一直与亚洲开发银行(asiandevelopmentbank)的专家合作解决技术问题,比如处理现有交易系统不兼容问题、建立中央清算和结算机制,以及处理以多种货币进行的交易。
In August 2004, Bank of China Limited was established and then listed on Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and Shanghai Stock Exchange in June and July 2006 respectively, becoming the first Chinese commercial bank listed in both the mainland and Hong Kong. 2004年8月,中国银行股份有限公司挂牌成立。2006年6月、7月,先后在香港联交所和上海证券交易所成功挂牌上市,成为首家在内地和香港发行上市的中国商业银行。